domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

La empresa china JAC presentará un eléctrico en el Salón de Pekín 2010

La compañía JAC presentará en el Salón de Pekín el Vision IV Concept. Lo que se sabe hasta ahora es que llevará un motor térmico en conjunción con uno eléctrico lo que le permitirá bajos consumos y prestaciones suficientes para un city car. Habrá que esperar a su presentación para mayor información.

2 comentarios:

  1. Love your blog man, and your concern for a better world. I got a Power Point presentation via e mail that accuses Big Oil of destroying electric cars en mass so that we keep being addicted to oil. Any truth in that?

  2. Thanks for your comment. Big oil companies will resist but will have to undergo a transition as the automakers. Although it will be hard, they have to think about how to adapt to the new transport through other services not related to oil.
    Some companies started to implement specific strategies and trying to support alternative fuels.
